What To Include On Your Vehicle Wrap

While there are tons of different reasons to invest in a vehicle wrap, there are a few things that should always be included to make sure you get the most out of your vehicle wrap. You don’t want to rush your design as there are a lot of important details you could miss. Make sure your color scheme is correct and your message is clearly important, but there could be some smaller details that you’re missing. GNS Wraps wants you to be happy and proud about the vehicle wrap you go with, which is why we wanted to show you some details you could be missing.



Before you submit your design, make sure your logo is present on your vehicle wrap. A logo is one of the most important assets a business has. It’s the logo that people remember when they think of your business so you want it to stand out. Your logo being recognizable will allow people to remember what it is and will display a clear message about who you are and what you do.


Bullet Points

While the logo will give people a way to remember what you do, some bullet points with the logo can help people further understand the exact services you provide. You want these bullet points to be concise and easy to read. People driving by you won’t have time to read long sentences or small font, so make sure it’ll be easy to read quickly while also getting the message across. 


Contact Information

Now that people know your business and exactly what it is you do, you’ll need a way for people to get in contact with you. This can be a business phone number, email, website, or any other easy way to reach you. Your phone number should be the highest priority as they can often be hidden and hard to find. It should be easy to locate and easy to read.


QR Code

QR codes are a newer trend so it makes sense if you haven’t seen many on vehicle wraps. These codes are extremely helpful for getting all the information you want someone to have in an instant. All it requires is a quick scan rather than trying to type in all the different information.


Social Media

Lastly, you want to include all of your social media handles. The world of social media is growing exponentially, so it’s important to have that information included as well. These handles can help you connect with people more than ever before. 


Get Wrapped Today

Vehicle wraps are a fun and intuitive way to grow your business and get your name out there. There’s a lot that goes into creating a vehicle wrap but it’s important to get it right so you can get the most out of it. If you’re looking to get your vehicle wrapped, contact GNS Wraps today. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have. Visit our contact page or call us at 561-502-2605 for more info.

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  • 561.502.2605
  • 7400 Georgia Ave. Suite C
    West Palm Beach, FL 33405

  • Your information is confidential and will not be shared

  • 561.502.2605
  • 7400 Georgia Ave. Suite C
    West Palm Beach, FL 33405